Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Oct. 9th

Research and Application: Creating Catalysts for Social Growth and Learning
I. Amanda Baggs
- In My Language
- If she didn't have access to be able to type - we would never know how intelligent she is.
She is diagnosed as a lower functioning autistic person. Since she has access to the
computer and voice output so that can communicate with us in our language.
- Are we thinking about using technology with students - are you trying to get them to think
more like us?
Assimilating into our culture?
Are you trying to get them to speak in our language?
** Infinitethinking.org - another good website/blog to look at.
II. Second Life
- No holds bar virtual reality.
1. There are lots of people with disabilities who are in Second Life
2. It's a virtual world. There is an island in Second Life for Education
- Can sign in.
- There are age restrictions for kids.
- You can trade second life dollars for real money.
- You get to customize everything, you name it you can find things on there.
- Can sign up for a basic account for free.
3. Myspace - check online to see if students are on there. Can email Tom and let him know if
something is fishy with what a student has posted online about themselves.
4. Tapped In (Tappedin.org)
- People in offices.
- They have discussion groups just for special ed. if interested.
- You can log in to Sharon's office and log in as a guest. Have to click on Sharon E.
- For those of you who teach middle/h/.s. set up a firewall, can do a running discussion.
- Good for students to do assignments, etc.
- For some kids, this will enable them to socialize with others without having personal
- This is a research project by SRI International. Has been around since 1996.
- If you are doing this with your students you get to see everything that they do.
- Pepperdine University pays quite a bit to have their own building on the Tappedin
- This is another virtual world.
III. Reasons for talking about virtual realities
- Some way to create social changes.
- How can you use the tools that you have at hand to be self advocates, to be aware of their
abilities and disabilities, to use resources to lead an independent life.
- Miccah video - goes to Oakland University north of Detroit.
- Community college districts within this area diveed up the disabilities so they don't have to
service all disabilities.
Next week's assignment- Cooperative lesson plan involving students and technology.
Do assignment on population that we are working with.
- Has to be a cooperative lesson plan.
-Using cooperative groups based on whatever technology that you have available to you -
low - tech (pecs) but not No tech.
-Design lesson plan so that it isn't just a group activity - has to be a lesson that shows a group's
positive interdependence on themselves.
-Pick an activity for 2 (2 is a group) - so they are working together to create something using
the technology that you have on hand.
** Written out like a real-lesson plan.
- Follow how it is written in the Intel binder.
- Place your assignment in the folder on Idisk next week.
** The only problem you might have is with the ELL or Gate kids when they talk about
differentiation is easy especially with sp.ed.
- When you open up the unit plan on the Intel disk, you can delete the pic. don't need to keep it
in there.
- In your blog for tonight, include the url for the wiki - put that in the unit plan as well.
- Have to be working on a unit plan for your population. - Not due until the semester.
** Part of it is a presentation to the class (via powerpoint) to the class.
** Next week - one plain 'ol cooperative lesson plan due next week.
IV. Chapter 4
Pg. 33 Components looking for in lesson plan located on that page.
- Direct teaching of social skills.
- Want to see - universal design - how kids can do things to show that they understand - want to see that you are incorporating some universal design aspect within your lesson.
*** Does not have to be APA format!
- Pg. 37-Pg. 41 - format your lesson that way.
******PBWIKI URL - http://mawinee.pbwiki.com/ ******
Email address - mawinee@yahoo.com
V. How can you use technology as a social skills tool?
- Making choices - to appropriately communicate their needs.
- All of the examples involves social interactions. When you have autistic kids it has to be a
very controlled, very deliberate lesson.
- When designing a social interactive lesson between two students, have to think of points
a,b,c. Especially with students who are autistic as well as the more severely handicapped.
- It is possible that there is a light at the end of the tunnel for students who are severely
handicapped. It's okay - give them the chance, time, opportunity - do this assignment for
real - something that you will be able to use later on and now. Build on their strengths and
that they can be an expert - set it up so that students can be an expert when doing this
cooperative social skill lesson.
- Assignment says to use a software program that is on the approved list. (See green sheet).
Finding more resources for software programs etc. go to: Http://seilts_edit241.blogspot.com
A. If going to frogguts.com -there is no way for the program to go from text to speech.
B. The virtual body - it reads the text to them. Narration - gives them a guided tour.
- Game - get to build your own skeleton
- Cool website - good for elementary, kids with print disabilities, as well as in English and
- Problem with games for physically impaired kids is that they have to have good fine motor.
- PowerPoint that can use in the classroom.
Again, I learned a lot in class this night. There are a lot of tech. resources that are at my finger tips and I am very excited to access them as well as try to implement some things at school. - Once we are finally hooked up to the Internet. I think all of the interactive and visual things that I saw in class tonight such as the virtual body website were easy to use as well as neat for kids!
Watching the video on Amanda Baggs was also interesting and it really goes to show that when people have access to technology, the possibilities are endless. I am hoping that by incorporating more technology into my class, my students will become more inspired and see technology as a cool part of school!

1 comment:

Sharon Eilts said...

Holy Toledo! You took some comprehensive notes! Your reflection was thought provoking.
